Archives August 2022

When to utilize a dog shock collar

5 utilizes for a dog shock collar

Treats as well as clickers are the norm in dog training these days, at least for your typical pet dog trainer. This is absolutely fine. most dogs thrive on praise as well as rewards. They don’t necessarily requirement a “leash pop” correction, although it definitely wouldn’t hurt them, either.

I prefer to be available to a range of training methods. Not only is every dog different, however every circumstance is different. You bet I’m going to scream, “Hey! Knock it off!” at my dog a few times per year. I’m absolutely going to step in front of him to “body block” him from going after a burrito on the ground. I’m going to look him directly in the eyes so he understands I’m serious when I tell him “no” or “wait” or “quiet.”

While I’m generous with praise, treats, toys as well as doting on my dog, I have no issue utilizing choke, prong or shock collars (also called e-collars or electronic collars) in specific situations. I’m not all “positive.” Of course, nobody is.

OH MY GAWD, shock collars?! If this is your reaction, then this publish is not for you. This publish is likewise not a guide on exactly how to utilize a shock collar. If you requirement assist with that, I suggest you work with a expert fitness instructor in your area.

This publish is just meant to show dog owners that there are a range of training tools offered – gentle Leaders, bark collars, no-pull harnesses – as well as there are circumstances where all of these tools can be extremely practical to the right dog/owner pair. I desire that dog owners would not be personally attacked just for discussing a shock collar. I desire that people might stop being emotional over a valuable tool as well as focus on the genuine task – training the dog. all of us understand what is finest for our own unique dogs.

5 possible scenarios where a shock collar might assist with dog training

1. mentor a dog physical boundaries.

My parents’ dogs (pictured) have always been trained with dog shock collars to stay within the limits of their yard. The dogs at first got a few weeks of training where they discovered the limits as well as actually got one or two corrections. Not poor when you think about the years of off-leash flexibility the dogs have had since then.

A physical fence is just not always economically realistic or visibly appealing if you want your dogs to have gain access to of the whole yard, particularly on a lakefront, tree-filled property.

When I very first brought Ace to my parents’ house, we decided to utilize a shock collar to teach him the limits as well. That way, when my parents took care of him for weeks at a time, they might feel comfortable leaving him outside with their dogs. While Ace is one of those dogs who selects to stay close, you just never understand what might cause any type of dog to bolt from the lawn as well as into the street.

My dog got a single shock during his preliminary training as well as one shock or two after that. Now, almost seven years later, he still keeps in mind the limits when we see my parents’ house. I have absolutely no regrets utilizing a shock collar to teach him where he can as well as can’t wander. It’s made his life more fulfilling, as well as it’s increased our bond since we’re able to spend more time together.

2. mentor a dog not to bark.

I don’t suggest a shock collar as the very first choice to stop a dog’s barking. First, I suggest the owner makes sure the dog is getting adequate exercise as well as interaction. The dog should likewise get obedience training so the owner can phone call the dog when necessary as well as put him in a down/stay position, for example. Obedience training will likewise assist provide the dog some structure, so ideally the barking will naturally decrease.

Of course, there are circumstances where an anti-bark collar may be the very best or the only option. It’s regrettable when people rule them out or begin judging dog owners for utilizing these tools. For example, what if the dog’s owner is dealing with eviction warnings because of the dog barking at every single noise when left alone? Leaving a dog in a kennel or crate won’t always peaceful him down. Hiring a dog walker or taking the dog to dog daycare is not always an option. These services are expensive. utilizing a citronella spray collar is a possibility, however these are much milder deterrents as well as won’t always work.

3. mentor a dog to stop chasing something dangerous.

Again, it assists to believe of all possible scenarios. For some situations, a shock collar is not appropriate. If a dog is attempting to chase cars, for example, perhaps it’s finest for that specific dog to stay on a leash at all times. PeÎn altă parte, ce se întâmplă dacă acel câine apare pentru a aluneca cu gulerul sau cu șuruburile pe ușă? Nu ar fi mult mai bine dacă câinele ar fi fost deja antrenat să nu alunge mașinile?

Sau, dacă câinele tău îmbrățișat recent nu poate părea să nu mai privească sau să -ți alunge pisica? Poate fi cel mai bun să re-acasă unul dintre ei. Sau, poate, o corecție sau două împreună cu o oarecare întărire pozitivă pentru a răsplăti obiceiurile potrivite este tot ce câinele trebuie să descopere că felina nu este pentru alungare. Sigur, s -ar putea să petreceți luni, precum și luni, utilizând tratamente, precum și laude. Sau, s -ar putea să utilizați un guler de șoc, precum și să antrenați câinele mult mai repede. Nu este pentru toți câinii, dar este o posibilitate.

4. Controlul unui câine de la distanță.

Câinii de vânătoare, precum și alte tipuri de câini care lucrează sunt antrenați în mod obișnuit pe gulere de șoc pentru câini. Câțiva dintre acești câini necesită să -și facă sarcinile cu o serie de peluze înaintea proprietarilor lor – înroșirea, preluarea, căutarea etc. – iar proprietarii lor necesită să poată interacționa cu ei. Toți nu folosesc gulere de șoc, însă aceste gulere sunt un posibil instrument de formare.

5. Oprirea comportamentelor nedorite.

Există doar comportamente specifice care nu pot fi oprite fără un tip de corecție. Un bun prieten mi -a trimis un e -mail la începutul acestui an, întrebând dacă am vreun tip de sfaturi despre exact cum să antrenez un câine pentru a înceta să mănânce propriul său cocoș. Proprietarii acestui câine erau la capătul lor, precum și nimic nu părea să funcționeze. Poate că nu au încercat suficiente alegeri alimentare pentru a descoperi ceva pe care câinele a apreciat -o mai mult decât caca. Cu toate acestea, indiferent, întărirea pozitivă nu funcționa.

De ce să nu încercați un guler electronic cu o telecomandă? Am întrebat. Câteva corecții ar avea grijă de problemă. Proprietarii ar putea chiar să stea în interiorul casei pentru a urmări câinele în curte. În acest fel, câinele nu i -ar asocia pe proprietari cu corecția.

Câteva luni mai târziu, am întrebat exact cum merge câinele. Au decis să utilizeze un guler de șoc, precum și a funcționat pentru rezolvarea problemei.

Ca un alt exemplu, s -ar putea să utilizați un guler de șoc cu o telecomandă pentru a opri un câine să săpat în gazon sau pentru a opri câinele să mănânce tipuri specifice de plante. Îmi pare rău, însă toată consolidarea pozitivă din lume nu va opri comportamentele specifice.

Sfaturi de siguranță de care trebuie să țineți cont atunci când utilizați un guler de șoc pentru câini


Ca în orice tip de instrument de instruire, trebuie să vă asigurați că utilizați corect un guler de șoc. Nu ezitați să solicitați asistență de la un profesionist.

Există în mod obișnuit alte tehnici de instruire care pot fi la fel de eficiente ca un guler de șoc. Încercați să utilizați instrumentul cel mai bun pentru situație.

Doriți să utilizați gulerul de șoc pentru a antrena un comportament/concept simultan. You don’t want the dog to be getting corrections for barking, jumping, stealing garbage as well as leaving the yard, for example. That would be extremely confusing as well as stressful! work on one idea at a time.

All training tools should only be utilized when the owner is calm. No training collar should be utilized when the owner is angry, frustrated or afraid.


Have you utilized a shock collar to train your dog?

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Holiday pet dog gift Boxes from I as well as like as well as You

The new holiday pet dog gift boxes from the business “I as well as like as well as You” are truly cute, as well as I’m ecstatic to share them with you!

The holiday pet dog gift boxes contain:

A holiday “ugly sweater” bandanna (so your pet dog can take part in awful sweatshirt parties)

Soft training treats

Fresh breath bone chews

Beef gullet chew strips

Code for $5 off your next purchase

This publish is sponsored by I as well as like as well as You.

Leave a comment at the end of the publish for a possibility to win a complimentary holiday pet dog gift box for your pet dog or a friend. Click aici. *The giveaway has ended.

Holiday pet dog gift boxes from I as well as like as well as You

These gift boxes for dogs are packaged as well as prepared to location under the tree. So no wrapping necessary! They would make a adorable gift for your own pup or for a good friend or household member’s pet dog for the holidays.


Use code NICELIST2 for $2 off

I as well as like as well as You only makes top notch treats as well as chews without any man-made preservatives. genuine meat is the very first ingredient, as well as there are no fillers or by-products.

For each gift box purchased, the business donates a meal to a pet in an animal shelter waiting on adoption.

The three treats as well as chews included in each gift box:

The holiday gift boxes for dogs consist of I as well as like as well as You’s three a lot of prominent goodies for dogs. Each box is worth $35 in value for just $19.99, as well as shipping is free.

1. The Hip Hoppin’ Hearties. These are soft, heart-shaped training treats. They are grain complimentary as well as include glucosamine.

2. Fresh All Rover Breath Bones. These chews are made with turkey as well as garnished with peppermint oil for fresh breath. They are grain free. Each bag consists of five 3″ chews.

3. Cow Boom! Strips. These chews include one ingredient: 100% beef gullet from grass-fed, free-range cattle. Each bag consists of five 6″ strips.

Order a box or provide a box as a gift HERE.

Use code NICELIST2 for $2 off

What I like about the holiday pet dog gift boxes:

Într-adevăr drăguț!

The treats as well as chews consist of no grain, man-made preservatives or by-products

Real meat as the very first ingredients

High-quality treats as well as chews – the best

Good value ($35 of products for $19.99)

Transport gratuit

Nice range of training treats as well as chews

The bandanna is a adorable touch

No requirement to wrap the box unless you want to

I suggest these boxes for a gift for your own pet dog or as a gift for a good friend or household member’s pet dog on your list. The components are high-quality, as well as you can’t go wrong with these gift boxes.

Get a box here. utilize code NICELIST2 for $2 off. buy by Dec. 17 in buy to assurance shipment by Dec. 25.


You don’t get to select which treats are in the box (I don’t mind this at all! One less thing to concern about!)

Some dogs may have allergies to specific treats

These boxes may not be for you if your pet dog has allergies to poultry or beef. The breath bones may be little sufficient for some larger dogs to swallow whole, however a lot of dogs will understand to chew them up a bit first.

DA GRATIS! Win one of the holiday pet dog gift boxes for your pup

*The giveaway has ended. Congrats to Chessey K.!

I as well as like as well as You is providing away a FREE holiday pet dog gift box to one visitor of That Mutt.

A intra:

Just leave a comment below so I understand your pet dog wants in on the drawing! has your pet dog been naughty or great this year?

I will select a champion at random on Tuesday Dec. 12 as well as reveal them right here as well as by email. need to have a U.S. mailing address to win.

All of That Mutt’s $7/mo Patreon members get automatic entrances into all giveaways, including this (limited to very first 90 people, 6 areas remain). Click aici.

Would your pet dog like to win a holiday gift box?

Let me understand in the comments!

Please share this publish with any individual who may be thinking about this adorable holiday gift idea.

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Gestionarea durerii câinelui dvs. cu medii pentru animale de companie previcox

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Gestionarea durerii este o îngrijorare pentru mulți proprietari de animale de companie de animale de companie senior sau îmbătrânire. Unul dintre cele mai noi medicamente antiinflamatoare nesteroidiene din ultimii ani este cunoscută sub numele de Previcox. Acest produs funcționează prin inhibarea selectivă a enzimelor COX 2, care sunt responsabile pentru o mare parte din durerea și inflamația asociate cu inflamația articulară și alte inflamații.

Efectele secundare ale previcoxului sunt rare, dar pot include sângerarea digestivă a tractului, precum și inflamația ficatului sau a rinichilor. Din aceste motive, recomand întotdeauna să lucrați în sânge înainte de a utiliza produse precum Previcox, precum și de sânge periodic, dacă un câine pentru animale de companie rămâne pe acest medicament pe termen lung. Acțiunea la acest medicament pe bază de rețetă este adesea foarte rapidă. În mod normal, grijile clienților sunt în ceea ce privește efectele secundare, precum și dacă pot utiliza previcox cu suplimente, cum ar fi un îmbunătățitor incredibil de comun sau alte suplimente comune. În multe cazuri, răspunsul este da, dar un client trebuie să caute întotdeauna sfaturi de la medicul veterinar.

Ca și în cazul altor medicamente cu prescripție medicală de acest tip, costul poate fi un aspect atunci când se folosește medicamentele pe termen lung, motiv pentru care utilizarea altor produse precum proantozona și acizii grași omega 3 poate ajuta la reducerea cât de frecventă este utilizată previcox pentru a controla simptomele durerii și artritei.


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O problemă agravantă a pielii observată în numeroși însoțitori feline este atunci când se îngrijesc peste și/sau își scot părul. Acest lucru poate apărea pe orice parte a corpului, dar multe apar în mod obișnuit pe regiunile de burtă și flanc. De multe ori nu vor exista alte leziuni sau erupții ale pielii primare, ci doar prezența părului barber și scurtat. any cat presenting with this condition ought to have a full skin workup, including possibly skin scrape for mites, assessment of hairs for external skin parasites including fleas and lice, as well as a extensive dermatologic history to evaluate for possibly underlying inhalant/contact allergies and /sau alergii alimentare.

La pisicile mai în vârstă, constat că, în unele cazuri, bolile metabolice interne pot provoca îngrijire excesivă și tragere a părului, inclusiv boli precum hipertiroidismul. Prin urmare, orice pisică de vârstă mijlocie cu această prezentare ar trebui să aibă un antrenament medical complet discutat aici pentru a ghida cauzele care stau la baza. În experiența mea, marea majoritate a pisicilor cu această prezentare au un fel de boală alergică a pielii. De asemenea, este recomandată o inspecție atentă pentru purici și/sau murdărie de purici.

Tratamentul excesiv de îngrijire/barbering va depinde de o evaluare pentru aceste cauze de bază. În acele cazuri în care nu se pot găsi cauze de bază, se suspectează tensiunea sau tracțiunea de păr nervos. În aceste cazuri, medicamente precum amitriptilina sau clomipramina pot scădea linsul indus de stres. În toate aceste cazuri, voi recomanda de obicei o dietă naturală, de preferință crudă, pe bază de carne, care are de obicei beneficii fantastice pentru sănătate. Dacă acest lucru nu este posibil, dietele naturale din conserve, inclusiv cele prin soiul naturii, Petguard și Wysong sunt preferatele mele de a alege. Boosterii imunitari, cum ar fi lichidul vetri-dmg, pot fi, de asemenea, valoroase în numeroase dintre aceste cazuri, mai ales dacă există o componentă emoțională a problemei.

Trebuie să fiu prezent când câinele meu de companie este eutanasiat?

Ai prins vreun tip de voi să prinzi această postare pe blogurile de cățeluși?

Este vorba despre exact modul în care unii proprietari de câini de companie selectează să nu fie prezenți atunci când câinii lor sunt eutanasiați, precum și este în regulă.

Acesta este tipul de publicare care te face să te oprești la fel de bine. Am verificat -o aici.

Nu toată lumea dorește să fie acolo atunci când câinii lor sunt eutanasiați, precum și unii oameni pur și simplu nu pot gestiona să fie prezenți. Toți procesăm moartea, precum și disperarea în propriile noastre moduri.

Nu am recunoscut că unii pasionați de câini pentru animale de companie sunt atât de judecați încât ar critica de fapt pe cineva care a selectat să nu fie prezent sau care ar putea să nu fie prezent. Exact cât de groaznic.

De la Jen Gabbard la Puppy Scurgeri:

Unii dintre noi nu gestionăm bine eutanasia, precum și câțiva dintre noi leșinăm atunci când s -au ocupat de aceasta. Nu indică că ne place mai puțin animalele de companie din familie. Poate fi o lipsă de durabilitate sau constituție sau poate fi doar propria noastră anxietate, îngrijorare sau publicăm anxietate traumatică care acționează. Oricare ar fi, se simte groaznic, precum și mi s -a spus că suntem egoisti pentru că nu mai este vorba de a fi ideale în inimă.

Am dori să fim acolo, însă câțiva dintre noi nu putem. Îmi doresc să am, aș fi plin de mult mai puțin regret dacă aș fi putut rămâne. Cu toate acestea, nu aș putea, la fel de bine, așa cum trebuie să accept asta.

Citiți postarea completă aici.

Ce ai crezut despre postarea lui Jen?

Îți place personal să fii acolo când animalele de companie din familie sunt eutanasiate? Vizualizat este Golden Retriever Brittni, câinele de companie pe care îl avea gospodăria mea înainte de as. Sunt recunoscător tatălui meu, precum și am ales să fiu prezent atunci când Brittni a fost eutanasiat.

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Durable Rope toys for Dogs

There aren’t many toys that last more than 5 minutes with my weimaraner Remy. He seeks to ruin all toys.

So far the only toys that hold as much as him are the most difficult Kong toys as well as the largest Nylabones so those are what we buy.

However, my dog likes to play tug of war, so I wished to discover him the most durable rope toy I might discover in the largest size.

It’s from a brand called Mammoth as well as we went with the largest size, the Mammoth Flossy Chew 5-knot rope toy in “Super XL.” It’s 72″ long!

The rope toy has lasted over 2 weeks so far as well as I expect it to be around for at least a couple of months.

This is not a sponsored post. I just such as this rope toy as well as wished to share it with you.

Durable Rope toys for Dogs – Mammoth Flossy Rope toy Review

The rope toys from Mammoth are available in all kind of sizes ranging from the XS 10″ rope toy all the method to the 72″ toy I bought. view them on Amazon HERE.

I went with the largest toy since I desired the strongest rope toy possible for my crazy, destructive dog. I was likewise hoping my two dogs may play well together with a longer tug toy. turns out my older dog Ace the lab mix still refuses to play tug with Remy. So we play individually however they both do enjoy the toy.

I’m happy with the rope toy’s resilience so far. Remy is able to pull small threads from it if he sits as well as chews on it, so I don’t let him play with it alone unless he’s hectic dragging it around or shaking it, which he likes to do!

He can quickly pull the little threads off the end of the toy as he does with any type of rope toy, so this is not something I can leave out all the time or he’ll eat it.

The long length of this toy seems a bit over the top, however it’s more fun to play with! It’s almost like a “flirt pole.”

Care este costul?

The largest version of this toy, the one that we have, is $15.43 on Amazon. adu-l aici.

Prices variety from $3.99 on up depending upon which size you go with. The routine XL (36″) is most likely finest for most dogs. We just decided to go crazy as well as get the longest length.

I’ll most likely buy one more one of these ropes every six months or so for my dogs.

What’s unique about the Mammoth Flossy Rope Toy?

These rope toys are more durable than other rope toys I’ve tried, as well as I like the wide range of lengths. You can select the very best length for your dog.

The business declares the rope fibers “floss” as well as clean the dog’s teeth, hence the name “Mammoth Flossy.”

I suppose it would floss the teeth a bit however that’s not why I bought this toy.

I got it since my dog likes tug of war as well as I believed it would be an additional method to exercise him as well as engage with him.

Pros of the Mammoth Rope Toy:

Comes in many different lengths

Durable as well as should last awhile

Fun for dogs!

Good cost & offered on Amazon

Good method to engage with your dog

Longer length makes it easier for two dogs to play tug together


My dog likes to chomp up as well as down the rope, so the longer length enables him to be more careless as well as accidentally bite my hands. This is more about my dog’s bad habits than the toy itself.

I would suggest the Mammoth Rope toy for …

I would suggest this toy for heavy chewers as well as any type of dog that like to play tug!

If your dog has a tendency to get excessively excited or aggressive during tug of war, this may not be the very best toy for her. Remy is quite intense at whatever he does, so we have to keep our tug sessions to five minutes or so. He just gets extremely rough as well as out of control!

I would not suggest the longer length if your dog has a tendency to chomp “up as well as down” on the rope since it’s simple for the dog to bite your hands. It’s difficult to explain however if your dog does this, I believe you’ll understand what I mean!

All in all, I truly like these toys as well as that’s why I wished to share it with you.

Informatii despre comanda

You can order this toy on Amazon. costs variety from $3.99 for the little size as much as about $15 for the largest size.

If you choose to order one, let me understand in the comments what you believe of it.

Does your dog like to play tug? What other toys do you recommend?

Please share this publish with anyone who may be thinking about these tug toys. say thanks to you!

This publish contains affiliate links.

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Fratele cel mare, fratele mic

Uită -te ce a ajuns ieri prin poștă. Noile noastre gulere brodate pentru câini pentru animale de companie pentru Ace și Puppy Remy!

Mulțumesc, Dogids! Unul mult mai mult pentru a intra în cadoul nostru pentru un guler impermeabil aici.