Archives November 2022

Fotografii canine în aer liber

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Am făcut această fotografie cu Springer Spaniel Sophie Springer al părinților mei din Wisconsin. Este mult mai simplu să faci fotografii grozave atunci când caninul nu este negru!

Testiculele nedescendente în cățeluși

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În timpul examinării fizice a cățelușilor de sex masculin, un medic veterinar va examina îndeaproape pentru a determina dacă ambii testici au coborât în ​​scrot. Testiculele vor coborî în mod obișnuit în scrot în câteva zile de la naștere, dar la unii cățeluși acest lucru poate fi întârziat până la 6 luni. De obicei, dacă testiculele nu coboară cu vârsta de 6 luni, de obicei nu vor fi în viitor.

Multe prezentare comună este atunci când un testicul nu coboară, o afecțiune cunoscută sub numele de criptorhidism. Testiculul nedescris se găsește de obicei în afara scrotului, fie în abdomen, fie în canalul inghinal, unde poate fi palpat de medicul veterinar. Veterinarii vor monitoriza îndeaproape situația, deoarece, dacă sunt lăsate netratate, testiculele nedeclarate prezintă un risc mai probabil de a dezvolta tumori mai târziu în viață. Testiculele nedescrise sunt, de asemenea, mai susceptibile să se răsucească în interiorul abdomenului (cunoscut sub numele de torsiune), ceea ce poate duce la pierderea alimentării cu sânge, a infecției secundare și chiar a morții. Tratamentul este de obicei neutilizarea chirurgicală timpurie după vârsta de 6 luni, la cumpărare pentru a evita aceste potențiale complicații majore.

How to make cross-country travel fun for your dog!

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Summertime is about fun and travel and it’s even better when we bring our furry loved ones along for the ride! recently we at 1-800-PetMeds were introduced to Indy, a pup who has been having quite the adventure as he has been traveling across the country to be reunited with his family. Along the way, he and his companions have been staying at various HomeAway locations. read on to learn a lot more about Indy’s terrific Adventure: 

For those who may not know, how did you end up on this journey?
My human mommy just graduated from school in Boston and is moving to Seattle to start an amazing new job. She has a young kid (my best pal and pet brother) who would probably not love a incredibly long road trip. So, my mommy enlisted a terrific pal and her spouse to help drive her car, my lizard friends (Georgia – a bearded dragon, and Charlie – a leopard gecko), and me to Seattle! I was really ecstatic to see a lot more of the U.S., especially considering that I get to stay at pet-friendly HomeAway rentals each spot I go.

Can you share a favorite moment or two from your travels?
Getting to meet and shake paws (hands?) with people in so lots of cities is probably my favorite part of the trip, there are a ton of amazing humans out there. There were also two extra special moments so far. I was really lucky to find a double rainbow (really!) after a storm in Lubbock, Texas, and I got a picture to capture the moment and share it with my friends. I also loved getting to see hot-air balloons take off in Angel Fire, new Mexico. I don’t know if dogs get to ride in them, but it sure was fun to watch!

Do you have a favorite city/HomeAway location? What made it stick out from the others?
Oh gosh, this one is hard! Each spot was so special and the owners really cared about creating a special experience (one even left me pet dog treats!). I like to run outdoors (and often want to escape, hehe), so Wyndham, NY and Angel Fire, NM are places that other dogs might also take pleasure in a lot. I often appreciate nature by eating it, but in these spots I was also able to soak it all in!

What have you missed a lot of about being away from your pet parents?
My human mommy and brother are the best, so I miss hanging out with them and being part of our lively family action. I saw my mommy posted a picture the other day about reuniting in Seattle – it feels good to be missed, but I can’t wait to tell them about my adventures (I’m a very woofy dog).

Any new “firsts” you are ecstatic to experience in your new home city?
I’ve heard about a fish market that really got my attention…beaches, forests, and some amazing San Juan islands just outside the city where I think we will have some fun trips. I don’t know if you have seen it, but I have A lot of fur, so I’m also ecstatic to be in a temperate climate that doesn’t get too hot. I also heard that I might get to go to my mom’s work, which would absolutely be a first! If they need someone to help with herding or pulling sleds, I’m their dog!

What recommendations would you give to other family pets (and their owners) about making a cross-country trip?
First, do it! Then, paper it! I am having so much fun and I like sharing with all of my friends. Be sure to bring at least one favorite toy (and a lot of bones!), and my humans like my collapsible travel water and food bowls. I also observed my humans using Yelp and searching “outdoor seating” to find terrific spots where I could join them for food (being left in the automobile isn’t good for us dogs). The only other recommendations is to make sure owners give their family pets extra love because often travel can be a lot to to manage for furry creatures like me. Also, did I mention a healthy selection of bones?

Thanks to Indy and the team at HomeAway for sharing Indy’s terrific adventure with us! In case you’re wondering, Indy will be reunited with his family this Tuesday as he settles into his new home in Seattle, WA.

Thinking about traveling with your pet this summer? Don’t forget summer essentials like the Solvit HomeAway travel Organizer along with a pet carrier to keep your pet comfortable during long drives.

Călătorind cu animale de companie

Un joc de ghicire distractiv!

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Ohai! Intrați mai aproape … Îți place să joci jocuri de ghicire și ghicitori? Sper că da, pentru că astăzi vom juca un joc foarte distractiv!

O să vă spun o ghicitoare și veți da seama de răspuns! Sunteţi gata? Iată ghicitoarea:

O singură culoare,
dar poate schimba dimensiunea unora

Se lipește de picioarele mele
Dar nu este gumă!

Iubește soarele,
și se ascunde noaptea

Mă urmărește peste tot,
Dar uneori îmi lasă vederea

Ce sunt eu?

S-ar putea să fiți nevoit să vă gândiți foarte mult să vă dați seama. Când credeți că aveți răspunsul corect, puteți apăsa butonul de răspuns din partea de jos pentru a vedea dacă sunteți corect. Nu ați apăsa butonul de răspuns înainte să vă gândiți foarte mult, nu -i așa? Nu credeam așa.

Când sunteți gata, iată butonul de răspuns! Apăsați -l pentru a vedea dacă răspunsul dvs. este corect. mult noroc!

Ai ghicit răspunsul corect?